50 Cents for a cuppa tap water? Ridiculous?

Javen Says:

I remembered like a yr or 2 back, i went to a chinese restaurant @ centrepoint for lunch and i ordered food, and proceeded to ask the waiter for a glass of ice water.. "that will be chargeable at 50 cents, sir". i proceeded to ask "issit tap water or mineral water?", the waiter paused and answered "tap water sir".

Knowing me the drama queen.. I exclaimed very loudly "50 cents for a glass of tap water? are u kidding me?" and all he said was sorry..


Few days back my fren selina and i went to eat at one of those chinese cafe cum restaurant @ raffles city.. we proceed to order food and some drinks and then told the waitress to get ice water for us.. She said it would be chargeable @ 50 cents. selina and I was stunned for a moment..

Selina asked her "didn't u said the last time round that we could have ice water after we've called for drinks?", the waitress said "sorry, but we charge it at 50 cents now because there are alot of pple who dun order drinks but onli ice water."

I was like... didn't we jus ordered drink? so wat's the issue here?
As the waitress saw our distressed face especially selina's where it was almost sulking to the floor, she decided to get both of us a glass of ice water each for FREE, b4 we decide to storm out of the store... (thank you auntie for ur quick thinking)

We happily ate our food and then proceeded to foot the bill @ the cashier.. and as we all know that citibank provides us with food discounts at some stores, selina decide to use her card, and then we got a shock... the 10% is entitled on food onli and not drinks? WTF????

Does citibank knows about this or is there like a scam going on here?

This is so like my first and last time going to this place to dine, and i'm sure that their business will decline very soon... hope to check back again to see whether there's a new tenant or a very much improved service...

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