he Rainforest Site is dedicated to the preservation of rainforests around the world. Your daily click funds the purchase of rainforest land by The Nature Conservancy, The Rainforest Conservation Fund, The World Parks Endowment, and Rainforest2Reef. These organizations work to preserve rainforest land in Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Paraguay and other locations worldwide.
On average, over 35,500 individuals from around the world visit the site each day to click the green "Click Here to Give - it's FREE" button. To date, more than 150 million visitors have preserved more than 40,500 acres of land.
Help us save the rainforests by clicking every day. The benefits to humankind and to the world are incalculable, and it costs you nothing more than a moment of your time. A click a day can save the world!*
*Facts and figures from: The Rainforest Alliance, World Health Organization, and the Rainforest Foundation.
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