Javen Says:

You know those videos where a terrible friend forces another friend to watch a video, only for that video to suddenly flash a hideous image and sound effect, sending the sorry sonofabitch flying backwards out of their seat? Yeah- so imagine that, except now the instant doesn't flash, it stays there. And it doesn't go away.

I am serious, this site will make you poop your pants.

Hotel 626 can only be accessed between the witching hours of 6pm and 6am- prime-time for fear-induced heart attacks. The site also utilizes your webcam and microphone, increasing the amount of piss it scares out of you.

Honestly, if you are not a fan of fright, DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE. And if you think you can handle any amount of haunt, I highly suggest you visit Hotel 626 and see just how brave you really are.
- From The New Anti-Social

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    M in the creative industry, fun-loving, world-peace and nice to be around with.. xcept the most imp thing, BITCHY.. If you're like me, this is the place for U.

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